Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023Liked by Hattie Crisell

I just finished the original version of All Quiet on the Western Front - there, too, as in most instances, what the author started out with evolved and “found” itself over time.

Ages ago a teacher once told us that it wasn’t important to reach goals, but that it was essential to have them and walk toward them. Only by walking a path will we come across intersections that may show us other possibilities or new goals. In short, do something, keep doing something - and at the same time keep yours eyes open and stay flexible!

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That's such good advice!

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023Liked by Hattie Crisell

This was a great story Hattie. It reminds me of a similar situation I had in the summer. It was my first summer growing chillis on my balcony and it went well to start, the seeds germinated and the chili’s grew, they had great big leaves and towered up to my knees. But then the growth stopped and for the life of me I couldn’t work out why, weeks past and still nothing. Then I called my dad (the most green fingered man I know) and he told me to wait and keep watering. Last night I cook a curry with one of those chili’s. That’s all to say; I agree. Nothing comes fully formed in the naturel world and good stories are always naturel.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Hattie Crisell

This was very cheering, Hattie. Having another go at some very self-conscious creative writing. I have no idea where it’s going and feel very disheartened - but I shall I remember Jon’s words today.

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Don't be disheartened! You can do this!

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This is just so encouraging. I got a manic 20,000 words into a novel and then stalled. But who knows what might happen 🤷🏼‍♀️💛

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Definitely don't write it off... I wouldn't be at all surprised if you go back to it, or if it forms the basis or inspiration for something else later.

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This, and the lovely comments, are EXACTLY what I needed today. I have had more false starts on my second novel than I can count & it’s driving me mad, but I love what you said at the end to keep focusing on the few metres ahead, that’s what I am going to do.

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Yes Jennie! Keep going! The false starts are all part of the process.

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