Dear Hattie, so sorry to hear you started the year on a down note. We fall, we get up, we write xx

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Beautiful post. Pleased to be one of the 500. Looking forward to the year ahead ✨✍️

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Hattie Crisell

Thank you for this newsletter, Hattie. I honestly do not enjoy any of this ‘new year, new me’ stuff that you see everywhere in January, for my own personal reason, but this was really lovely. Also, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had a not so good start to the new year, but like you said, nothing is final and life is full of possibilities. Excited to hear your new series of the podcast!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Hattie Crisell

❤️❤️❤️ this is lovely x

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Hattie Crisell

Absolutely Hattie. I was really referring to your creative writing, rather than your commercial journalism. Apologies for not making myself clear.

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I’m one of the new subscribers but absolutely loved lurking on your Substack. Happy not-so-new year and excited to meet other writers!

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I’m new to Substack, but coming back to writing after a very long pause. Although, I am definitely not engaging in the “New Year, New You,” culture, there is definitely more intention this year, they in the years prior. It has been so nice to discover new authors and thinking about what type of writer I want to be. I just recently wrote that if my writing does not come from my soul, it won’t happen, and I never felt so complete. It felt like I was coming home. I look forward to more newsletters. Happy New Year! (On January 5th!)

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Thanks for this Hattie. You’ve found your metier with this work. Your voice as a writer ( and a person) is clear and distinct. I am so pleased to be witnessing it.

Congratulations on the Distinction. 😉

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I really struggle with the "new year" especially carrying a heavy "emotional hangover" from last year like you mentioned but these words were the exact ones I needed! "The month is arbitrary – it’s the hope, and the never-ceasing procession of life, that’s important. " Thank you Hattie, I hope the remainder of January is kinder to you.

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